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Art Basel 2024

13 June – 16 June 2024

Art Basel 2024 artwork
Art Basel 2024 artwork
Art Basel 2024 artwork
Art Basel 2024 artwork
Art Basel 2024 artwork
Art Basel 2024 artwork

Lisson Gallery returns to Art Basel for its 2024 edition, presenting a selection of works by a range of gallery artists in the main fair, as well as large-scale projects by Ryan Gander and Hiroshi Sugimoto at Art Unlimited. With booth highlights including works by Kelly Akashi, Dana Awartani, Rodney Graham, Carmen Herrera, Anish Kapoor, Richard Long, Otobong Nkanga, Hélio Oiticica and Sean Scully, Lisson is also pleased to show work for the first time by new artists to the gallery’s programme, Josh Kline and Oliver Lee Jackson.

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