Recent reviews of 'Stanley Whitney: The Italian Paintings' at Palazzo Tiepolo Passi, Venice
4 May 2022
Stanley Whitney's highly anticipated exhibition 'The Italian Paintings' is now open at Venice's Palazzo Tiepolo Passi.
The exhibition, presented by Buffalo AKG Art Museum and curators Cathleen Chaffee (Buffalo AKG Art Museum, New York) and Vincenzo de Bellis (Walker Art Center, Minneapolis), features large and small-scale paintings and works on paper, alongside Whitney’s sketchbooks, many exhibited for the first time, offering a glimpse into the artist’s process and experimentations.
In an interview with Stanley Whitney, and preview of the exhibition, James Imam writes in The Art Newspaper:
The artist gradually abandoned his earlier “gestural” style characterised by squiggles and colourful patches surrounded by empty space, inspired by the expansive territories he had encountered in the US and Mexico. Instead, he conceived denser, more tightly structured works invested with the energy and rhythm for which he is now famed. These qualities can be seen in the brightly coloured The Awakening of Memory(1996) and the more subdued Wonder Garden (2006), which are both being shown in Venice.
Today, Whitney splits his time between New York and his studio near Parma in Emilia-Romagna, where he has worked during the summer months for the last three decades. Having his pieces shown in Venice, where he has visited the Biennale since the 1980s, signifies a long-awaited point of arrival.
Read the full feature by James Imam in The Art Newspaper here.
'Stanley Whitney: The Italian Paintings' has been featured in numerous international newspapers and magazines:
The Wall Street Journal
Artist Stanley Whitney’s Triumphant Return
Stanley Whitney's Italian paintings reveal an art practice in transition
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Venice - Stanley Whitney: The Italian Paintings at Palazzo Tiepolo Passi Through November 27, 2022
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