How to support Black Lives Matter
3 June 2020
Lisson Gallery stands with you today – protesters and those whose voices have been silenced – in denouncing all forms of racism and police brutality. For too long systems of oppression and injustice have targeted the Black community.
We must endeavour to transform our pain and anger into a force for good. It is our duty as humans to listen, to proactively self-educate and to speak out against injustice, without fear.
The gallery will be making donations to the following organizations and we urge you to as well:
Black Lives Matter @blklivesmatter
The Bail Project @bailproject
NAACP Legal Defense Fund @naacp_ldf
Campaign Zero @campaignzero
We must find the strength together, as a collective community, to make change happen: to bring about equality, to end unnecessary violence, and to ensure that everyone in society has a voice. Use your words and your actions to create change, one that we all know is long overdue.
Black Lives Matter.