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Genius Loci – Spirit of Place

22 July 2014

As experienced producers of large-scale public commissions, Lisson Gallery and Berengo Studio present a range of major artworks by 19 artists, both inside and outside the historic Venetian Palazzo Franchetti. The exhibition, entitled Genius Loci – Spirit of Place, also includes models, drawings and proposals of public projects – some unrealized, some temporary, some permanent – along with photographic documentation of actual objects as they exist out in the world, all displayed in a special laboratory room, within a structure designed by the London-based architectural practice Carmody Groarke.

This film, shot and edited by Laura Bushell features the voices and thoughts of Greg Hilty, Adriano Berengo, Edwin Heathcote, Joana Vasconcelos, Patrizia Spadafora and Richard Wentworth.
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