'Cosa Mentale' opens at Centre Pomidou-Metz
27 October 2015
Cosa mentale. Les imaginaires de la télépathie dans l'art du XXe siècle explores artists' fascination with the transmission of thought and emotion. The exhibition, which takes place between 28 October 2015 and 28 March 2016 at the Centre Pompidou-Metz in Metz, France, traces an art historical trajectory from the invention of the term 'telepathy' in 1882 to the present.
Works by Susan Hiller, including Documentation of 'Draw Together' (1972) and Homage to Marcel Duchamp: Aura (Green Girl) (2011), will be presented among a collection of over one hundred pieces by seminal artists including Edvard Munch, Vassily Kandinski, Joan Miró and Sigmar Polke.
More information: http://www.centrepompidou-metz.fr/cosa-mentale-les-imaginaires-de-la-t-l-pathie-dans-lart-du-xxe-si-cle