An Infinity of Traces Reviewed in Art Monthly
4 May 2021
'What's Happening In The World Today', reads a weather channel news banner at the foot of Alberta Whittle's 'Between a whisper and a cry', 2019.Above, Hurricane Isaac wheels across the Atlantic Ocean. A rainbow-hued graphic streaked with fine, coiling dashes as it charts its course west, where the tropical cyclone will wreak havoc from Guadalupe to Arkansas. Weather systems, here, serve as a potent model for the concomitant passages of capital and colonial forces across the Atlantic. The overhead, remote stance of this meteorological rendering is as distant from the waterlogged living rooms and felled trees as the government reports on race and ethnic disparity are from the lived realities and testimonies of black and brown populations across the UK: raindrops in the face of a satellite images.
In this group exhibition at Lisson Gallery, curated by Ekow Eshun, the viewer is placed at the eye of the storm. At all points alert to the enveloping global conditions of state-sanctioned violence and anit-blackness, the selection of works by artists emerging and established nonetheless holds still, for a moment, the knowledge that alternative futures may be possible.
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