Ai Weiwei in conversation for Hawai'i Contemporary Art Summit
4 February 2021
The inaugural Hawai’i Contemporary Art Summit will take place from 10-13 February 2021, bringing together renowned keynote speakers, artists, curators, and thinkers from Hawai‘i and around the world for educational programming focused on art and ideas, as a thematic precursor to the Hawai‘i Triennial 2022 (HT22).
On Wednesday 10 February at 10am HST/3pm EST, Ai Weiwei will discuss his art and activism in the Summit’s first Keynote Conversation with HT22’s curatorial director, Melissa Chiu.
This multi-series, virtual Summit will premiere online and will be available for free to registered viewers for on-demand viewing. A full schedule for Art Summit 2021 is available here.
Image: Ai Weiwei on Lesvos, 2016. Courtesy Ai Weiwei Studio.