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Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths

Los Angeles, 20 June – 24 August 2024

Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths

“I imagine myself in flight when I am painting, scanning over the surface, searching for places to deep dive, touch down or lift off. The paintings are journeys between the space of my body and the space of the outside.”

For her first solo show with Lisson Gallery in Los Angeles, the British artist Sarah Cunningham presents a new body of work entitled Flight Paths. Named after a diptych that seemingly defies gravity, the gallery presentation captures this young painter’s soaring, spontaneous gestures in full flow. In the two panels of Flight Path (all works 2024) and throughout this exhibition, Cunningham explores aerial and bodily movements, flipping directions and orientations until reaching that moment when verticality and horizontality shift or tilt beyond recognition – when up becomes down, or left suddenly turns right.

The direction of travel in these works fluctuates between sweeping side-to-side brushstrokes, suggesting the lateral arcing of airplane contrails, and top-to-bottom marks that either open up the canvases to the sky, in Clouds Closed for Target Practice for example, or delve down into the ocean, in the submarine composition, Coral Chorus. The artist’s frenetic and free movement of paint speaks not only to her constant, performative process – employing both time and movement in pursuit of a new formlessness in painting – but also to her material experimentation – removing paint with rags, holding two brushes in each hand at the same time, or even approaching the picture plane from one side when working on the surface. Cunningham is also known to rotate and even reverse her paintings, often making her oversized pictures on the floor.

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Works on view

Installation views

Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork
Sarah Cunningham: Flight Paths artwork

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1037 N. Sycamore Avenue
Los Angeles

Opening Times:
Tuesday – Saturday: 10:00am – 6:00pm

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