Cory Arcangel: Totally Fucked
London, 12 November – 19 December 2020

Totally Fucked (2003) is the focus of Lisson Gallery's second show at 22 Cork Street. This historic work by Cory Arcangel is an infinite loop where the famed figure, Super Mario, is stuck on a block in a sea of blue pixels. This rarely-seen artwork is a video generated by a Nintendo Entertainment System playing a Super Mario Bros. cartridge which has been hacked by Arcangel.
Viewable from the street, as well as downloadable as a ROM file from the artist's website & Github account, Totally Fucked is a commentary on our obsession with technology and the absurdity of our expectation of it to enhance our lives. Like many of Arcangel’s works, the game is modified so that the character is destined to fail – the resulting animation emits a sense of persistent, infinite frustration, representing our universal experience of dealing with modern technology, as well as being a fitting, wry expression of this past year.
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22 Cork Street
Opening Times:
Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00am – 6:00pm