Ceal Floyer
Milan, 27 March – 16 May 2014

Ceal Floyer tests, teases and skirts around the boundaries of what art can or should be in her first exhibition at Lisson Gallery in Milan, which coincides with a major presentation of her works at Museion in nearby Bolzano (1 February – 4 May, 2014). Floyer’s 2008 work, Taking a Line for a Walk, in which a machine that creates the white lines on sports fields is driven around until it runs out of paint, takes its title from Paul Klee’s assertion in the introduction to his Pedagogical Sketchbook of 1923 that a drawing should be: “An active line on a walk, moving freely, without goal. A walk for walk’s sake” Floyer’s own meandering line through space – a performance and a sculpture, as much as a drawing or painting – will be recreated throughout the galleries, drawing visitors downstairs and outside. A rectangular swathe of grass in the courtyard, entitled Greener Grass (2014), will indeed – as the old saying goes – seem brighter than its counterpart in nature and more vivid than real life.
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Opening Times:
Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 6:00pm
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